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Educational Support Resources

Tools and resources to assist students, faculty, and staff experiencing learning differences and/or, challenges including online learning support

Ask Yourself...

  • What tasks matter the most?
  • If only one thing were done today what would that be?
  • Do I have all of the materials I need to complete the task?
    • If not, what do I need to do or where do I need to go to get all of my materials?
  • What hard deadlines need to be met this week/ today/ tonight?
  • What soft deadlines can be moved?
  • Is there anything on the schedule that can be moved or rescheduled to free up time?
  • Are there any optional commitments that can be skipped?
  • What distractions can be limited?
    • How can those distractions be limited?  Concrete commitment?
  • Do I need help with an assignment?
    • Where can I get that help?
    • Who can provide assistance?
  • What are the consequences of turning this assignment in late or asking for an extension?
  • Is there anyone else who can/will hold me accountable for this assignment or other assignments (i.e. friend roommate, duty master, etc.)
  • What has to be said “no” to in order to get the task done?
  • Does getting a task done affect anyone else besides myself?
  • Is the task the best or wisest use of  time?
  • Are preferred activities scheduled (socializing, hobby, clubs, etc.)?  

*adapted from Weingarten Learning Resources Center, University of Pennsylvania

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Here's a link to a Google Doc of the chart that you can fill in! Please make a copy and save it to your own drive first.