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Social Justice Research

Resources compiled for Hutchins Social Justice Scholars research, Fall 2024. For questions or issues with access, please contact Ms. Sinai

Secondary Sources

To understand the conversation surrounding your topic, delve into secondary sources, including:

  • Scholarly journal articles

  • Essays and features in respected magazines

  • Newspaper articles

  • Opinion pieces (Op-Eds)

These sources take a particular position, and contain an analysis of documents and material in order to support an argument. Secondary sources can be written by scholars via books and peer-reviewed journals, or published in newspapers and magazines written by experienced journalists. 

Interlibrary Loan and Article Requests

How can I get access to a source that the library doesn't have?

Interlibrary Loan (ILL): Access physical resources, mainly print books

  • Ensure that Bunn Library does not have access by searching for the title and author in the Bunn Catalog.

  • Next, send the title, author, edition (if relevant) to Ms. Sinai at or

  • A librarian will reply back to your request within 24 hours to notify you if we are able to get access to that title, and how long it will take.

Article Requests: Access scholarly journal articles, magazine, and newspaper articles

  • Ensure that the Bunn Library does not have access to the article by searching for the publication title in our Academic Journals and eBooks Portal.

  • Send the citation information (such as article title, author, periodical title) to Ms. Sinai,

  • A librarian will reply back to your request with a status update within 24 hours.