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Cases in US History: The United States and the Challenge of Secession

This guide focus on primary resources curated to support the Cases in US History final paper, Fall Term 2024. For questions or help with access, please email Ms. Sinai

Digital Collections from Bunn Library

The following collections are available through Bunn Library. To explore all of our available resources, view the Online Resources section of our website. When conducting your research, consider the types of artifacts that might best fit your research question.

Recommended Collections from the Web

The following suggestions all contained sources curated to address the scope of this project. This is not an exhaustive list! Considering your research question, you can search for collections online that address your specific focus. Larger archival collections such as those housed within the Library of Congress, National Archives, and other museums and cultural institutions may also be useful if you are not successful in finding artifacts within the suggestions below. Reach out to Ms. Sinai if you need help. 

Digital History:

Digital Public Library of America (DPLA) Primary Source Sets, Exhibits, & Topics:
The following curated sets of primary sources from DPLA will be useful to your research. To explore the full extent of DPLA's offerings, use the search window on the home page and search by keyword. 

Library of Congress:

National Archives (US):

Other Recommended Collections: