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Cases: Rise of New Conservatism & ERA Research Project

A guide to support A History of American Democracy in Cases: Spring '23 Research Project

Citing in Chicago/Turabian Style

History courses at Lawrenceville require students to use Chicago/Turabian Citation Style.
In Chicago/Turabian Style, you will need to create two citations for each source:
  • A full bibliographic citation (goes at the end of your paper on the Bibliography page; your sources should be listed in alphabetical order by author)
  • A footnote (added at the end of the page where the source is referenced)
Only cite the information that is available to you. If you cannot identify a piece of the template [e.g. an author or date], leave it out rather than making it up.
How to Cite a Harvard Business School (HBS) Case:
Campasano, Mark, and David Moss. “Battle over a Bank: Defining the Limits of Federal Power Under a New Constitution” HBS N9-716-052. Boston: Harvard Business School Publishing, 2016.

David Moss and Marc Campasano, “Battle over a Bank: Defining the Limits of Federal Power Under a New Constitution,” HBS N9-716-052 (Boston: Harvard Business School Publishing, 2016), p. 16.
For Help with Chicago/Turabian Style: 
For additional help with citation, use the libchat feature in this research guide or stop into the library to work with a librarian. 

Citation and Bibliography Tools

For help with Noodletools:

How to Avoid Plagiarism