History courses at Lawrenceville require students to use Chicago/Turabian Citation Style.
In Chicago/Turabian Style, you will need to create two citations for each source:
Only cite the information that is available to you. If you cannot identify a piece of the template [e.g. an author or date], leave it out rather than making it up.
For additional help with citation, use the libchat feature in this research guide or stop into the library to work with a librarian.
As part of your initial research, you may use an AI tool like ChatGPT to help you identify useful sources, keywords, and themes in your research. Remember that AI tools do not always contain accurate information; you must do your due diligence as a researcher to confirm the data and evidence that your question generates. Ask ChatGPT to show you a list of references/sources, and then head to those sites to read the information for yourself. Be mindful that bias in your original question can also lead to bias in the results.
You must cite your query, and can use Noodletools to help you. After creating your project in Noodletools, select "new source", from a website, then select "AI Response/Output". The prompt should contain the original question you asked ChatGPT. You should also cite follow-up responses or prompts that help to clarify your original prompt and provide sources that you plan to use.
For help with Noodletools: